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ABC Bullion


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KYC form being filled out

ABC is Australia’s leading independent bullion dealer.

As a Reporting Entity engaging in a designated service under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML Act), we are required to maintain a comprehensive AML program to ensure the mitigation and reporting of all money-laundering and terrorism-financing activities.

Accordingly, ABC Bullion has implemented a comprehensive customer due diligence program to identify, verify and monitor all of our clients in accordance with the AML Act.

The governmental body charged with regulating and ensuring compliance with the AML Act is the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC).

AUSTRAC is a member of the international Financial Action Task Force (FATF) initiative, which is the foremost inter-governmental body developing and promoting policies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

ABC regularly monitors changes in regulation and policy impacting our obligations as they pertain to AML and CTF, ensuring that our customers are protected, and their details kept fully secure, as per our privacy policy

Additional Questions

Will I need to send identification to ABC?
ABC partners with leading third party verification providers, typically allowing instant verification of client identity. In certain circumstances, additional information may be required. ABC will notify you if this is the case, as part of the account activation process.

What are the ID verification requirements?
Verification requirements depend on the type of account you are opening. For example, if you open an account in the name of a self-managed superfund, company or trust, ABC  requires personal identification, as well as information regarding the trustees or shareholders of the company/trust, so that we can confirm beneficial ownership.

How do I send the ID forms to ABC Bullion?
Please email all correspondence to [email protected].

A colour scan or digital photograph of your verified forms is preferable. Fax copies cannot be accepted. If you do not have a scanner or digital camera, please send photocopies of the originals by mail.

Where can I find more information?
You can find out more by visiting the AUSTRAC website, contacting AUSTRAC on 1300 021 037 or [email protected].


Neither ABC nor its directors. shareholders or its employees is a registered investment advisor and they do not give investment advice. Comments made on this website are an expression of opinion only. While we try to explain the possible benefits of investing in Precious Metals, you should not construe comments, links or advertisements on this website as recommendations to buy or sell a commodity at any time. While ABC strives to make sure all our statements are true and accurate, we use third party data and therefore depend on the reliability of our own credible sources. ABC recommends you consult with your qualified investment advisor, before you make investment decisions. Please be aware that authors of material on this website may have invested, or may from time to time invest, in commodities discussed on this website.

Website Terms of Use

Material & Information:
Material on this website may be generalised or summarised for the purpose of convenience and may have details omitted that could be significant to particular persons, or in a particular context.

Users should verify the relevance of the information on this website for their own business or personal needs. It is not intended to be nor should it be relied on as a substitute for legal or other professional advice.
Images are for illustration purposes only. Precious Metal Products supplied may vary in finish, including colour tone, surface texture and shape. Image quality may also vary when viewed on different browsers and mobile devices.

Material on this website is for non-commercial personal use only. All material, including internet pages, graphics, documents and videos is protected by copyright law. Copyright resides with ABC. No part may be reproduced or re-used for any commercial purposes without written permission of ABC.

The price quoted at the time of submission of your application is indicative only and subject to our confirmation within the tax invoice or purchase order we send you. We reserve the right to correct any errors that may be shown in the tax invoice or purchase order at any time upon notice to you, including without limitation the price, and you must accept the corrected invoice or purchase order. ABC takes no responsibility for any price feed errors from third party sources and reserves the right to correct or amend invoices or purchase orders should external feeds be interrupted or unavailable.

Any link or links on our website to an external site is provided for your convenience only. ABC does not control or monitor such websites and is not responsible for the content or opinions that might be on them. We make no warranties or representations that material on other websites to which material is linked.

While ABC endeavours to provide a secure internet environment, users should note that there are inherent risks associated with transmission of information via the internet. ABC provides alternate methods to obtain and provide information for those who do not wish to use public networks such as the internet. These include direct contact via telephone, facsimile or post.

ABC has implemented what is considered appropriate security features for this website, but it and the underlying systems may be subject to attack from unauthorised persons.

Your Obligations:
You agree to provide accurate, true and current information about yourself and maintain that information. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account information and the activities conducted on your account. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorised use of your password or any breach of security.

ABC cannot guarantee to provide continuous or uninterrupted access to this website. ABC also cannot guarantee the website or software downloaded from it will be free from computer viruses.

ABC and the ABC tablet logo are registered Trademarks of Australian Bullion Company (NSW) Pty Ltd.

We draw your attention to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.